Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Gerakan man tells Umno: Govern like PAS

Athi Shankar | July 18, 2011
The Islamic party can teach Putrajaya a thing or two about good governance, says Baljit Singh.
GEORGE TOWN: A Gerakan leader today praised the Kedah government for cancelling its blanket ban on entertainment during Ramadan.
It shows that PAS, unlike the Umno-led Barisan Nasional government, respects public opinion, according to Baljit Singh, who heads Penang Gerakan’s Legal and Human Rights Bureau.
The PAS-led Kedah administration yesterday revoked a decision to shut bars, discos and other entertainment outlets during the Muslim fasting month, just days after announcing it and provoking a public uproar. Operators are now required merely to turn away Muslim customers.
Baljit said PAS, in its willingness to accept positive public feedback, had shown an aptitude for good governance.
“I have to praise PAS for listening to the people and accepting views that the blanket ban was a bad move,” Baljit said.
“The Umno-dominated federal government should be emulating such an example. It should learn from PAS to improve its governance.”
Instead, he said, Umno had shown arrogance in the face of criticism, as reflected in its refusal to repeal draconian laws and answer the call for reforms in the election system.
“Umno seems never to listen to public opinion. If only it would heed the public, we would have a better and more popular federal government.”
He said the detention of Parti Sosialis Malaysia members under the Emergency Ordinance was a classic example of Umno’s haughty attitude.
He also praised Kedah Gerakan for executing its duty as an opposition party in a “constructive and progressive way” against the Ramadan ban.
“Gerakan did not emulate others by taking the matter to streets,” he said in a broadside against both Umno and Pakatan Rakyat parties. (FMT)

Singh sorang ni lain macam sikit. Aku rasa dia ni dah masuk kandang yang salah. Macam le Gerakan tu dah bagus sangat. Betulkan dulu Gerakan barulah boleh betulkan UMNO. Kalau Gerakan betul takkan sampai tertonggeng kat Penang. Cari jalan macam mana nak rampas semula kerusi yang dah kalah tu. Jangan salahkan orang lain. Kalau ingat PAS bagus, pergi la belajar dengan PAS dan betulkan Gerakan. Apa nak sibuk dengan UMNO. Singh ada ingat ka....sudah berapa kali tibai Gerakan dan berapa kali tibai BN? ......aku ingat ni semua salah Tsu Koon mendidik.


  1. Mengapa salahkan Tsu Koon.. memang kerja kerja Tsu Koon nak perjatuhkan UMNO denagan cara yang halusssss.

  2. Hello..hantar itu Singh balik dia punya negera jangan sibuk kat Malaysia..balik India betulkan kerajaan India lagi baik. Barua punya Singh....Tak sedar diri mana mari. cisssss.
    Itu buah sukon patut kena pencen tapi yang PM pulak bagi jawatan menteri kalau da kalah PRU bererti rakyat dah tak suka jadi pencen sajalah..PM lantik lah yang bertungkus lumus bantu UMNO menang..Oleh CounterStrike.

  3. Dia suruh ikut cara PAS....ikut je bontot DAP..
